Text written by the three imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle about the trial of the organization which will start on October 5, 2011 (Greece) CLIK ON Poster…


Revolutionary Struggle trial solidarity zine


‘Revolution is the only solution
for the complete exit from the crisis’

A collection of letters, texts and communiqués from the armed group Revolutionary Struggle and their accused. Released during their current trial in Athens and intended to be one more nail in the coffin of the legitimacy of the State and the capitalist system.


by Actforfreedomnow – BoubourAs

Monday, April 26, 2010


Monday, April 26, 2010


Comrades gather outside Korinthos, Trikala, and Thiva prisons where some of the 6 anarchists accused of the "Revolutionary Struggle" case are held.

In Korinthos prisons were Christoforos Kortesis is held,there were about 150 comrades.There were many cops, and they had closed all the roads with riotcopvans so there was no view of the prison and so no one could get close. At some point one van left and the people could see the prison yard.
The comrades are chanting, throwing leaflets and a loudspeaker has been set up.

In Trikala,where Kostas Gournas and Vaggelis Stathopoulos are held,100 comrades gathered and chanted while throwing leaflets,not a big police presence and after the gathering,there was a solidarity demo in the city of Trikala.

In Thiva,where Panagiwta Roupa,who is 8months pregnant, is held (along with Kwstandina Karakatsani now since friday, accused of the "conspiracy cells of fire"case),150 comrades gathered. The cops shut the road from far away so noone could hear them inside the prison. The people then cut through some fields and came up right next to one wing of the prison,they chanted and they prisoners responded with chants from the inside. After a while,some riotcops showed up in the inside of the prison yard,where the people chanted and made fun of them.

All demonstrations were very strong and emotional and finished with no trouble.



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Kostas Gournas is one of the six anarchists arrested recently in Athens, accused by the cops of participating in the urban guerrilla group'' Revolutionary Struggle.''
Kostas has since been transferred to the prison of
Trikala in the north of the country where, together with another one of the six arrested anarchists (Vaggelis Stathopoulos) he is being held
under ISOLATION – that is, with limited access to toilet and water and with many obstacles in his communication with relatives and lawyers. 19/4

The Philadelphia Experiment athens greece 19/4

Translator’s note: What follows is a communiqué by anarchists on the recent arrests supposedly linked to the organisation “Revolutionary Struggle” and the media-led hysteria that accompanied them here in Greece. Its title is a play of words on the well-known US naval military “Philadelphia experiment” and the Athens neighbourhood of Nea (New) Philadelphia, where the most recent police operations and arrests have taken place. Freedom to the Six, freedom to all of us.

Cops with machine guns in hands; police roadblocks at night, humiliating checks on every corner; secret agents of the regime knocking on doors, demanding from the population that they give names; willing informants rushing to offer their services; scared people walking on their streets trying to “mind their own business”. Is this 1936 Berlin or 2010 Philadelphia, Athens? A return to the past or an experiment for the future?
The only thing certain is that no coup d’état has been declared so far, nor has [greek prime minister] Papandreou decided to trim off his mustache to make it shorter. And the reason why this has not happened is simply because it is not at all necessary. Western democracies, in exactly the same way that they integrated those elements of nazism useful to them, also learned from its mistakes. The state of exception, that is, the condition imposed under the pretext of the capturing of the organisation “Revolutionary Struggle” does the job just fine, without a need for the eye-sore of tanks, let alone concentration camps or the suspension of constitution.
. and the “job” is nothing else than the turning of a condition now presented as concerning very few into a vehicle for changes that will concern everyone. The state of emergency imposed at this moment in Nea Philadelphia is cementing its functioning as a normality, as something that can take place whenever the state deems necessary. The force of the state is never applied exclusively toward its occasional target. Rather, every time it is applied without meeting any resistance, it gets diffused toward all directions, further establishing itself, establishing its capacity to be applied again, anywhere, against anyone, under any pretext that will be presented as a “necessity”… the state of exception tends to become the rule.
And so, anyone believing that the state of exception imposed in Nea Philadelphia does not concern them, is asleep – and their awakening will not be pleasant at all. Anyone believing that the night road-blocks, the raids, check-points, police patrols on foot and the “friendly interrogations” of the counter-terrorism unit are the logical consequences of a “necessary capturing” [of the organisation Revolutionary Struggle], of a safe lead or at least, some grounded suspicions against someone who was “looking for trouble” does nothing else than to cheerfully saw off the branch they are sitting on.
Anyone calmly watching people in struggle being prosecuted, imprisoned and presented as some kind of beasts on TV screens simply because they are “terrorists” in the eye of sovereign power, must understand that this rationalising is part of the same strategy that names the politicians as innocent, shipowners as philanthropists, cops as citizen protectors, syndicalist leaders as protectors of the workers’ rights, migrants as criminals, strikers as illegal. They must understand that the “capturing of the Revolutionary Struggle” is in its essence a tool for the potential capturing and dismantling of any and all social disobedience. This of course concerns not only the urban guerillas nor just the anarchist/anti-authoritarian scene but rather, everyone for whom the alibi of the capitalist system have started to run out.
No sociology degrees are necessary for anyone to understand that the falling apart of the first-world consumerist euphoria, the emergency fiscal measures and the forthcoming subordination of the country to the IMF combined with the increasingly suffocating everyday reality of surveillance and control leave little leeway for people to remain oblivious. They leave little leeway for silent or scared inaction and most certainly, they should leave no leeway for the formation of a wiling, subservient reserve army and authority collaborators. A reserve army that personifies itself in one or the other scum who find an exit from their individual misery in the social “recognition” of the informant, the one willing to do the dirty job in some “common cause” against the “absolute Evil”.
All those willing to join the ranks of this underground army of the bosses must be isolated and routed immediately. Their position and motives must be exposed and pilloried. The sordid motives they present as a merit must be countered publicly. Every unsolicited protector of the law should take notice.
Zero tolerance against the terrorism of the state and mass media. Immediate release of everyone prosecuted in connection to the case of the organisation “Revolutionary Struggle”.
Anarchists / Anti-authoritarians

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20/4 time 02:38 athens news.....More updates later.

A banner was put up in "puli tis ammou" in the koum kapi area of hania, grete by anarchists, in solidarity to the arrestees for the "revolunary struggle" case.

zero tolerance to state suppression

social struggles cannot be suppressed

tramps, snitches, journalists
the banner say: no more deceptions
they are fighters not terrorists,
freedom to the arrestees for ''R.S.''

Police are saying that they found a house in kupseli area in athens, allegedely rented out by one of the defendants in the "revolunary struggle"case, filled with weapons, homemade bombs, guns etc. It is also made known that there is a metal box with an on-off switch on and the cops are afraid to touch it thinking its a bomb.
They have isolated the house and the streets surrounding it. and are not letting anyone in to see or take photos (who knows why?), so they have all the control ofcourse to say whatever they want.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Letter from Kostas Gournas

"I would like to personally thank the minister of public order Mr. Mihalis Chrisohoidis for the
special treatment that he arranged for me.With the beatings, the threats against my wife and children and my imprisonment in Trikala prison,which will take away the right every prisoner has,to communicate with his family.
I really didn't believe he would sink to that level.
Because I've learned from the age of 20 to get over whatever difficulties, I shall stand tall.
You will not succeed in exterminating me physically or politically."

Kostas Gournas
16 April 2010
12th floor "gada"

The threats and torturing of the prisoners of the so called "revolunary struggle"case will not have as aresult the
extermination of any of us. We guess they havent realized yet that none of us will make a step back.
We are and will remain by their sides.
Our solidarity can not be "exterminated".

Comrades and relatives of Kwstas Gournas.
Attack with stones against the offices of "Pasok" (ruling party), in Agrinio Greece Thursday night 15/4

"In this orgy of oppression and the mudfight of the government and media against social struggles and fighters,
we salute every energy that shows that the world of freedom cannot be terrorised- cannot be suppressed."

Friday, April 16, 2010

TODAY 16/4

All 6 anarchists that have been arrested as alleged members of the “Revolutionay Sruggle” are now imprisoned...




The 3 comrades today for the ''revolutionary struggle'' case the one comrade K.G. will be kept in pretrial detention (this can last up to 18 months, until the trial). And the other 2 comrades X.K. and E.S. they asked that they appear again tomorrow morning...
Update 14/4/ of the 6 accused of being members of "revolutionary struggle"

According to the lawyers of the accused, the court file they received, does not include the cds with recorded phone calls, the designs and the handwritten documents that were reported by the police to have been found in one of the houses.

cops justices media they are real terrorists!

The prosecutor decided that all three anarchists comrades that appeared before him today with charges on the “Revolutionary Struggle” case will be kept in the prison until the trial). The other three will appear before the prosecutor tomorrow morning.


local time news...13:00 14/4 N. M., and P. R. They pass the procedure they do NOT make a statement and did NOT recognize the fiasco trial case... Now pass the third and last for today. Then the 2 COMRADES N.M. AND P.R. they are going to the prosecutor where it is decided whether they are to stay in prison or not.. today local time 11:00 the 3 comrades arrived in the court. in their faces you see the punishment, and they are wanting... nobody to say anything... a gathering of solidarity is there many friends, and comrades, and more people coming...


Meanwhile, unbelievable contradictions are published by the mass media, making it quite astonishing how the greek police can not even set up “properly” a case.
Telephone conversations of the comrades are leaked, but denied by the police the next day.
Photos of bullets are published on the website of the police, suggesting that they are bullets from AK-47, and were there since a day that the comrades are supposed to had gone at 5am near houses in Ymittos mountain to test their weapons, shooting 40 times! They even said that a chief of the “anti”terrorist bureau was watching them at that time from a short distance! The photo, though, is taken a different day of that they claim, the bullets are not from an AK-47, the bullets are rusted and not recent, nobody in the area has heard gunfire.
An alleged map of an area that is supposed to be found in the house of one of the comrades does not even match with the area that it is suggested to show.
Another strange thing is that it was initially reported that comrade N.M was not followed by the police since some years, but officials of the last government said that this is false and N.M. had been followed by the police at all times, making it quite interesting how the police is suggesting that he managed to be involved in a revolutionary organization while the police was around him! The case is on the air as no weapons or explosives have not been found at all, anyway.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last night, during the evening news, 70 anarchists occupied the TV station ‘Creta TV’ in Heraclion, Crete. Above is the video of the action, and has english subtitles.

Police madness in Athens has taken proportions unseen since the collapse of the junta:

This afternoon three boys and the mother of one of them were arrested as members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for having unused Easter firecrackers in their homes.
The incident took place in Athens on Wednesday afternoon and was initially believed to be a common anti-hooligan detention case. But the paranoia of the Greek police has reached such heights that it would make even the colonels' junta pale in shame.
According to the official police announcement, anti-terrorist police agents intercepted a call of one of the boys to his mother to hide some "gourounes", i.e. firecrackers massively used by teens and children during Greek Easter whose festivities ended last week. The police arrested the boy his 52 year old mother and two more boys claiming that the powder in the fire-crackers is similar to the one used in a series kettle-bomb attacks performed by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire last fall. The argument runs counter to any trace of common sense which says that if that comprises evidence then hundreds of thousands of teens using similar festive devices should be arrested as urban guerrillas.
The latest arrests indicate that the situation in Greece is critical. The State seems to be unfolding an operation of mass repression with no concern even for the most basic bourgeois judiciary procedures. It is indicative that the first three of the 6 arrested of last Saturday have been put on remand although not one single piece of not controversial evidence was presented to the court by the anti-terrorist authorities, despite this evidence being openly doubted even in the mainstream media.

More than 200 gathered, handed out texts and hang a banner reading: “Zero tolerance to state repres

More than 200 gathered, handed out 
texts and hang a banner reading: “Zero tolerance to state repres


Last night, during the evening news, 70 anarchists occupied the TV station ‘Creta TV’ in Heraclion, Crete. Above is the video of the action, and has english subtitles.

Last night, during the evening news, 70 anarchists occupied the TV station ‘Creta TV’ in Heraclion, Crete. Above is the video of the action, and has english subtitles.

Police madness in Athens has taken proportions unseen since the collapse of the junta:

This afternoon three boys and the mother of one of them were arrested as members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for having unused Easter firecrackers in their homes.
The incident took place in Athens on Wednesday afternoon and was initially believed to be a common anti-hooligan detention case. But the paranoia of the Greek police has reached such heights that it would make even the colonels' junta pale in shame.
According to the official police announcement, anti-terrorist police agents intercepted a call of one of the boys to his mother to hide some "gourounes", i.e. firecrackers massively used by teens and children during Greek Easter whose festivities ended last week. The police arrested the boy his 52 year old mother and two more boys claiming that the powder in the fire-crackers is similar to the one used in a series kettle-bomb attacks performed by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire last fall. The argument runs counter to any trace of common sense which says that if that comprises evidence then hundreds of thousands of teens using similar festive devices should be arrested as urban guerrillas.
The latest arrests indicate that the situation in Greece is critical. The State seems to be unfolding an operation of mass repression with no concern even for the most basic bourgeois judiciary procedures. It is indicative that the first three of the 6 arrested of last Saturday have been put on remand although not one single piece of not controversial evidence was presented to the court by the anti-terrorist authorities, despite this evidence being openly doubted even in the mainstream media.

More than 200 gathered, handed out texts and hang a banner reading: “Zero tolerance to state repres



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Actions of solidarity spread across the country. Yesterday anarchists occupied a local newspaper in Volos, Central Greece. The photo above reads ‘The police talks to you through the TV. Scums, Snitches, Journalists. Your hands off our comrades’.

At the time of writing the post, comrades have occupied the offices of the ruling party (PASOK) in Heraclion. The photo above reads ‘State-Capital-Media are the terrorists, not the fighters and the revolutinaries’.

Also, in Thessaloniki a banner has been placed, reading ‘The state is the only terrorist. Freedom to the 6′
Meanwhile, today, 15th of april, is the day of solidarity to Marios Zervas, who was arrested during the strike march of last month, and is imprisoned awaiting trial, with fabricated changes. Protests have been planned in more than 10 cities throughout the country in the afternoon.
If they want to create division, indifference and passivity by spreading terror and slander, we should turn against them the weapon of SOLIDARITY.

If the mechanisms wish to present themselves as the only subject who writes its bloody history conducting the peoples’ lives, we have every reason to talk about all those struggles burst and still bursting in every place where the dictatorship of the states and the capitalists is imposed, about this eternal fight for freedom that goes on, in different ways and forms in time and space.
To shout for all those who are kept hostages by the states, while the regime’s propaganda, when not presenting them as “dangerous criminals”, tries to present as “harmless and weak”, “depoliticized” and “marginalized” in order to disdain the choice of resistance. And say what is really ventured, why they are affraid of them and affraid of us.

To talk about the ways that the criminal gangs of the states and the bosses have used in order to imprison the revolted people and about this spirit of revolt that they never managed to imprison... FROM ACT FROM FREEDOM NOW.. OUR SOLIDARITY TO THE 6 COMRADES IN ATHENS..

More than 200 gathered, handed out texts and hang a banner reading: “Zero tolerance to state repres

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More than 200 gathered, handed out texts and hang a banner reading:
 “Zero tolerance to state repres

Occupation of Creta TV – Solidarity actions spread across the country

Last night, during the evening news, 70 anarchists occupied the TV station ‘Creta TV’ in Heraclion, Crete. Above is the video of the action, and has english subtitles

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Defense excerpts from six arrested in Revolutionary Struggle case (plus update and chronology)

April 30, 2010

Nikos Maziotis

Responding to the question “Do you accept or deny the charges?”:
“I am a revolutionary, and I am fighting an unjust, criminal regime known as the state and capitalism. If anyone should make a plea in defense, it is not me but those who are accusing me: the police and judges who serve the rich. I, for my part, am in the right, and I will not apologize for myself.”
Panagiota “Pola” Roupa
Responding to the same question:
“I am a revolutionary, and I do not recognize your proceedings. The criminals and terrorists are you and the system you serve: the state and capitalism.”
Sarandos Nikitopoulos
“I am being singled out for my political activity. I have been politically active in the anarchist and antiauthoritarian milieu ever since I was very little, and I can assure you that I as well as hundreds of others before me were already in the authorities’ sights, and that will continue. I consider the criminal prosecution against me to be based on and a product of my own political activity, as well as that of the entire anarchist milieu. Cases like Thessaloniki—in which even video recordings show police planting bags containing “illegal” items near people in order to charge them—or the imprisonment of demonstrator Mario Z. in Athens, and many others, must put an end to this blind faith in police accusations.”
Kostas Gournas
The prosecutor: “What do you say in your defense? Do you accept or deny the charges?”
Kostas: “I am not going to answer. I do not recognize these proceedings. Since the age of 20, I have been a worker and have taken part in the social and class struggle in Greece. I am against the regime, the political system, and the economic system. I am not a terrorist. The terrorists are the ones on the 12th floor of police headquarters who gave me a beating and threatened to kill my children.”
Vaggelis Stathopoulos
“Mixing me up in the Revolutionary Struggle case is a consequence of my political convictions. I do not condemn any type or method of struggle. My political activity has always taken place in broad daylight.”
Christoforos Kortesis
Through his lawyers, he said that he will testify alone under certain specific conditions. He demanded in writing that “they have to clearly specify the charge common to all six of us that refers to my involvement in specific actions claimed by Revolutionary Struggle.” He also demanded an itemization of the evidence for each action.
Our comrades were quickly transferred to different prisons: Kostas Gournas and Vaggelis Stathopoulos to Trikala, Christoforos Kortesis to Corinth, Panagiota “Pola” Roupa to Eleona womens’ prison near Thebes (let’s remember that our comrade is seven months pregnant), and Nikos Maziotis and Sarandos Nikitopoulos to Korydallos prison in Athens. On Sunday, April 25, simultaneous solidarity demonstrations and marches took place outside Trikala, Corinth, and Eleona prisons (where, apart from Pola, Konstantina Karakatsani is also locked up after her arrest in the Fire Cells Conspiracy case).
On April 29, three of the charged comrades (Maziotis, Roupa, and Gournas) published a statement in which they proudly claim their participation in the actions of Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas) and recognize that comrade Lambros Foundas, who was murdered by police bullets over a month ago, was part of the group. The letter is very long (11 pages; excerpts here), and a translation will be attempted in the coming days.
Revolutionary Struggle are thought to be responsible for the following attacks, all in Athens:
  • September 5, 2003: Bombing at courthouse.
  • March 14, 2004: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Psychico neighborhood.
  • May 5, 2004: Bombing at police station in Perissos neighborhood.
  • October 29, 2004: Bombing of police buses.
  • June 2, 2005: Bombing at Labor Ministry.
  • December 12, 2005: Bombing at Finance Ministry in Syntagma Square, near Parliament.
  • May 30, 2006: Attempted assassination of Georgios Voulgarakis, former Minister of Public Order, now Minister of Culture.
  • January 12, 2007: Wasp 58 LAW rocket attack on United States Embassy.
  • April 30, 2007: Shots fired at police station in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
  • October 24, 2008: Bombing at Shell offices in Palaio Faliro neighborhood.
  • December 23, 2008: Shots fired at riot police bus near Athens University in Goudi neighborhood.
  • January 5, 2009: Shots fired at police guarding Culture Ministry in Exarcheia neighborhood. One riot cop critically wounded.
  • February 18, 2009: Car bombing at Citibank headquarters in Kifissia neighborhood. Bomb fails to detonate.
  • March 9, 2009: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
  • May 12, 2009: Bombing at Eurobank subsidiary in Argyroupoli neighborhood.
  • September 2, 2009: Car bombing causes serious damage to Stock Exchange building.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Zero tolerance to the state and mass media terrorism 13/4/athens

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More than 200 gathered, handed out texts and hang a banner reading: “Zero tolerance to state repression”.

Their announcement goes as follows:
“This occupation of the Union of Athens Daily Newspapers Editors’ offices, by over 200 comrades, –a union presided by the

security police puppet-journalist Panos Sobolos–, was organized in response to the terrorist-spectacle the mass media have

been presenting avidly during the past few days on the arrest of comrades, which are accused of being members of the

“Revolutionary Struggle”.
A “case” with no evidence, which is socially supported solely by the state’s narrative, which is repeated word-to-word on the

news and in newspaper columns by television and newspaper mouthpieces. A state narrative that after the December revolt

attempts to incriminate the anarchists on a legal, moral and ideological basis (the very points institutions are consisted of).

Legally-lawless (or outlaws), morally-cowardly, ideologically-fascists: it is on this basis that the ideological and repressive

assault, and the consequent criminalization, develops.
The counter-revolt campaign of the state and the mass media escalates, along with the struggle for social and individual

liberation, solidarity and unselfishness, self-organizing our actions and our everyday lives. Especially during times of tough

antisocial offensive and in depth pillage of society by the political and economic elite.

Zero tolerance to the state and mass media terrorism
Freedom to the imprisoned fighters
Solidarity is our weapon


On Saturday 10/4 we occupied the polytechnic university led by sentiments of tenacious rage and solidarity towards our comrades. We want to show that a fighting part of the society exists, that will continue resisting.
w h a t e v e r y o u d o
We understand very well the dirty game of deceit and mass guidance that play the shameful mass media. These frauds of speech and conductors of manipulation, will skilfully use their arms, misinformation, calumny and disorientation from the real problems: the economic and social bankruptcy, in order to keep the world asleep and inactive. Mainly however afraid. Orwell, nor in his madness dreams, could not imagine the way in which he would be verified finally in the modern TVdictatorship. We answer:
From today and each day begins an enraged attack of counter-information, at the occupation of the polytechnic itself, but also in each corner of Athens. We deny to lower the heads and to accept the started terror-lust of mass media. The “internal terrorism” is the delusion that makes blind the average TV-person and nails him in a useless witch-hunt.
There are many hatched wizards and witches that walk with hoods in the forest of the city.
Bourgeois illegality will not pass.
Our counter-information from now on will reach at the ears of even the last induced citizen.
We will not stop informing and opposing without mercy for all the all set up charges against our comrades.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Charges against the 6 anarchist comrades in athens last news 12/4/

Charges against the 6 anarchist comrades in athens last 

news 12/4/
Update 14:40 (local time): According to the media the 6 arrestees are charged with 4 felonies (participation in terrorist organization, attempted homicides in common, supplying, manufacturing and possessing incendiary materials/bombs in common, explosion in common and attempt to provoke explosion) and 4 misdemeanors (distinct damage due to explosion, illegal possession and use of guns) related to the organization “Revolutionary Struggle”, on actions dating back to 2003. (13:50 local time): At 13:00 local time, the cops tear-gased and beat up comrades that had gathered in solidarity. 2 people were detained for alleged resistance and insulting the authorities after the clash, and were taken to the local police station in Kipseli. More riot police units have been moved on site. The 6 arrestees were taken to Evelpidon (Athens courts) at 10:30 am (local time) in order to appear before the prosecutor. Their transfer resembled a Hollywood setting: streets nearby were blocked, 6 jeeps of the intelligence service along with several motorcycles and undercover police vehicles paraded, while cameramen were filming all along. Approximately 150 people have gathered in solidarity outside chanting slogans. Strong anti-media sentiment due to the infuriating stand the media have taken by publishing photos, names and filming the interior of houses raided yesterday. The place is packed with cops, and there was tension when the 6 arrived. The procedure is estimated to last until late tonight, and our presence there in solidarity is extremely important.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


On Saturday night, police arrested at least six10/4/AND12/4
persons in house raids across Athens. All six are accused of participating in a “terrorist organisation”. At least some of the arrestees are anarchists (details about the arrests are still blurred) and people have occupied the Athens Polytechnic in response. The statement issued by the occupied Polytechnic reads:
Today, Saturday 10/04/10 police openly arrested 6 persons with the charge of participation to a terrorist organisation. At a time of “financial crisis”, while the government attempts to cover up its mess with support packages by the European leaders, it promotes through mass media the so-called quelling of “domestic terrorism” as part of its attempt to contain the generalised popular discontent.
On the night of Saturday, April 10th we occupied the Polytechnic and on Sunday the 11th we call for an open assembly at 8pm in the Gini auditorium, under the topic of state repression and terrorising-lust promoted by the tactics of the immune, neo-dictatorial police…
Updates on the case
  • The anarchist comrade Konstantinos T. was first detained on the street as “suspect for robbery”, then charged with gun-possession, as the police raided his parents’ house and discovered an antique gun owned by his grandfather. He will appear before court on Monday, April 12 – a solidarity gathering has already been called for outside the courthouse.
  • Another comrade had her house searched for more than 24 hours before being transferred to the police HQ.
  • As of this time (1600 GMT+2) a solidarity gathering is taking place outside one of the raided houses in Exarcheia, Athens. There are large numbers of riot police and of the motorcycle “delta” force in the area.

An incredible fiasco became the company of police andantiteroristcops of local and foreign services.


A few hours ago announced cuts in wages and mass layoffs new public and private sector from the IMF, the

cops GREECE and americans bastards with their bosses, trying to set up another political plot by militants. Compared with past

political machinations - this fiasco are different.

First to sign the Poulain murderers of the American embassy, and the great Chrysochoidis. Also for the first time in prison will

be blunt (is expected) people because their computers in their libraries were dissidents texts. For the first time in many years

to criminalize political discourse rather than an abstract of the current systemic culture of criminalization, but there will be a

real episode in real life.

The charges against the detainees is that the hard drives of texts found in the police attributed to political organizations of

armed violence. But the political organizations of armed violence is not mentioned in nefelim and Elohim, but in political issues

concerning the operation of the order of few against the many. Only organizations are political texts with references to political

issues of all. It is the first time that the political discourse while not accompanied by a "criminal act" sufficient to prison

someone. The texts were found (according to the official announcement) in the possession of arrested persons are not attached

to a hit but "highly likely" that the amerikanotsoliades a blueprint for future attacks. .

Previously another bright luminary of the American Embassy, who served with loyalty and dedication the appropriate Ministry

of Chrysochoidis, put other ingredients in such cases for example, a little hash, a little gun ownership, a wig, a fingerprint, a

kettle, a frying pan, a vre something the brother to tie scenario, and had seen three or four American films, they were not

"illiterate" like this one here ..

From the first moment of operation of the cretin and police departments, and MMEmazi regime 'in the journalistic army. The

news of the company channeled first through administrative channels to the media after cops assumed by the news of the

arrest sent through administrative all media, from television of Vardilogianni, etc. Bobolas up the web of "honest journalists"

who were preparing the titles pychaious success .

In the end, rather than guns, dynamite, masks, etc., were found to count pages from political manifestos and television media

were putting Ms. puts screens up bottles for cleaning lenses known company that had become completely black from the ink

for fingerprints.

The size is huge fiasco is exactly proportional to the image have COPS both political radical spaces (anarchist-independent

elected, etc.) for years in a permanent attacking institutions and mechanisms, no one can hold this social- political piece to

something more "visible" and thus more controllable. 'Osokai for groups of armed force to attack at a time when both the left

and the other power forces can not defend anything, having completely killed ..

That are commonly cops deep midnight, can not understand the processes contributing to things. .

As part dakrygono and of our great offer to the public consultation of public affairs, we hope to the cops and the other

americans bastards good reading of hard disks, books, magazines and newspapers picked up on this wonderful business and to

supplement the first opportunity to let go at any bookstore to find even more .. ....